The podiatry office performs the following treatments:

Callosity is defined as an excessive increase in the epithelial layer of the skin with thickening. There is also another form called subungual hyperkeratosis or subungual callosity affecting the nails.
Thus, the location of the callus will depend on either the type of foot or a pathological condition of the underlying bone that may be due to a myriad of factors.

Callus treatment involves routine professional care by the podiatrist with periodic checksfor both hard and soft corns.
Podiatric therapy consists of:

  • In surgically cleaning hyperkeratotic accumulations (callosities) and reducing pressure on these prominent regions;
  • In checking that in the shoe the space between the toes is adequate;
  • In recommending the use of custom silicone pads or felts.

It is an infection of the nail system by mycetes (fungi).Onychomycosis may manifest as a color change in a portion of the nail; when the fungal infection spreads deeply it can thicken and crumble the lamina. Podiatric treatment involves: removal of the material produced by the fungus, application of local antifungals to eradicate the mycosis(fungus). Factors that can increase the likelihood of manifesting a fungal nail infection (onychomycosis) are:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Job in a humid environment;
  • Psoriasis (skin disease);
  • Socks and shoes that prevent perspiration and do not absorb sweat;
  • Wet environments such as swimming pools, showers and the locker room;
  • Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot);
  • Diabetes
  • Circulatory problems, etc.

Onychogryphosis (thickened nail) is analteration in the growth of the nail plate, or rather a nail hypertrophy that is manifested by obvious deformation of the nail plate. Causes of onychogryphosis can be:

  • Blood stasis;
  • fungal infections;
  • Repeated trauma caused by shoes that are too tight or injury as a result of violent bumps on the nail;
  • systemic circulatory diseases that inhibit necessary nutrient support at the peripheral level.

Excessive lamina thickness can result in sub-ungual callosity (i.e., below the nail), causing pain. Podiatric treatment consists ofabrasion of the excess nail layer.

Onychocryptosis (ingrown nail), is one of the most common onychopathies. Ingrown nail is determined by penetration into the nail edges and surrounding soft tissues of the nail plate.

Signs and symptoms of ingrown toenail
It manifests as swelling and erythema of the nail groove, which can degenerate into a periungual granuloma and possible development of infection. Treatment of ingrown toenail
Consists of the removal of a portion of the nail.

Removal of the nail portion is always resolving therefore, surgery is not necessary.

L’onicofosi (callo subungueale) è l’accumulo di ipercheratosi nel vallo laterale dell’unghia, localizzata più spesso a livello dell’alluce. Questa alterazione può essere provocata dall’eccessiva pressione esercitata da calzature strette, da un’alterazione strutturale dell’unghia e/o da un deficit di appoggio.

L’eritema e la tumefazione si localizzano tipicamente sul solco ungueale, portando alla formazione di un’unghia incarnita.

Trattamento dell’onicofosi

Il trattamento dell’onicofosi consiste in un taglio corretto dell’unghia e all’abrasione della lamina con conseguente asportazione dell’ipercheratosi periungueale.

Onycholysis is defined as the detachment of a part of the nail or total detachment.

Causes may be:

– Repeated trauma caused by shoes that are too tight
– Injury as a result of violent impacts on the nail

Treatment of onycholysis

Treatment consists of removal of the affected area.

Verruca pedis, known as a wart, is an epidermal lesion (easily condonditional with a hyperkeratosis or callus), affecting the skin caused by a viral agent belonging to the Papovavirus family.

Treatment of the wart

The most widely used treatment is chemical cauterization, through the use of acids, the goal of which is to produce necrosis and subsequent exfoliation of the wart tissue.

Cosa Sono:

I plantari podologici sono dispositivi medici grazie ai quali otteniamo un riequilibrio morfo-strutturale dell’arto durante la fase di appoggio e propulsione, sia in statica che in dinamica.
Il plantare viene utilizzato negli stati algici o infiammatori del piede: metatarsalgia, neuroma di morton, piede diabetico, artrite reumatoide (piede reumatico) ed inoltre in patologie che colpiscono il sistema vascolare e nervoso linfatico (vasculopatia periferiche, etc…)


Il procedimento di impronta a levitazione dei plantari produce:

  • una migliore e più uniforme distribuzione delle forze di carico su tutto il piede;
  • un migliore reflusso venoso (ossigenazione del sangue e defaticamento) l’appoggio totale fa sì che ad ogni passo si eserciti una pressione uniforme sui terminali venosi del piede (soletta di Lejars).
  • una stimolazione propriocettiva della superficie plantare che regola la giusta tensione muscolare e tendinea, fatto essenziale per una ottimale coordinazione tra i diversi distretti articolari. Ne deriva un miglior equilibrio e controllo della stabilità articolare di tutto l’arto inferiore.

Il plantare a lievitazione è indicato nelle seguenti applicazioni:

  • IL PIEDE DELLO SPORTIVO per il sovraccarico funzionale al quale si sottopongono le strutture osteo-muscolo-tendinee.
  • PLANTALGIE DISMETABOLICHE-VASCOLARI (diabete, gotta, artitre reumatoide, psoriasi).
  • ESITI POST TRAUMATICI come fratture metatarsali, tarsali e calcaneari.
  • PATOLOGIE CUTANEE E SOTTOCUTANEE (borsiti, igromi, ipercheratosi).

Orthoplasty (ortho-plasty) is the technique of making and customizing, medical devices tailored to optimize the biomechanical set-up of the foot, particularly the forefoot by making use of silicone rubbers that have different properties: hardness, softness, elasticity, and use properties.
Silicone can be distinguished into three types: Corrective, relieving or protective.

Corrective silicone:

It is used when skeletal changes in the foot need to be corrected and is the most effective alternative to surgery, the where surgery is possible, or in cases where the patient himself does not want to undergo surgery. Silicone offloading:
It is used in situations where there is a need to unload an area of overload or subject to stress and/or friction from the footwear. To say that offloading orthoplasty does not correct, is incorrect, as it too must have an induction of correction, albeit slight but present to limit the biomechanical dysmorphosis already in place and/or to otherwise avoid flawed podopostural attitudes of convenience that would aggravate the pathology. Protective silicone:
Is such when it protects joints and can be manufactured for any patient.

Morton’s neuroma is simply the increased volume of an interdigital sensory nerve, usually the one passing through the third intermetatarsal space, caused by a chronic irritative stimulus of a mechanical nature.

Con il termine metatarsalgia si intende una serie di sindromi dolorose corrispondenti alla regione plantare del piede. Clinicamente in questi casi si apprezzano delle formazioni di ipercheratosi o callosità plantari (callo) in corrispondenza della/e testa/e metatarsale/i.

Podiatric examination

The podoscope is an instrument that allows the footprint to be evaluated by the distribution of load on the feet, evidenced by the different light intensity that shows the support points. It is a static examination.

Flat foot is characterized by collapse of the plantar vault, which can be due to congenital (child’s flat foot) and acquired (adult’s flat foot) situations.

Diagnosis of flat foot:

The footprint shape that the foot leaves on the ground defines the type of flatfoot. Using a special podogram, the footprint is detected and analyzed, defining a flat foot as one that has an isthmus bearing surface greater than 1/3 of the front heel bearing surface.

The flat foot in the adult

The causes of flat foot in adults are divided into two broad categories:

  • Evolution of untreated congenital flatfoot (adult flexible flatfoot)
  • Flatfoot secondary to posterior tibial muscle dysfunction or fractures, tendon tears, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathy (such as in diabetic foot) or myopathy.

The child’s flat foot

Basically, two clinical forms of flat foot in children can be distinguished: one is called infantile lax foot, it depends on the fact that the muscular development of the foot does not coincide with the age of the child. In these cases, theuse of orthotics and appropriate physiotherapy help restore normal anatomical relationships and recover the correct physiology of the foot. The second, called developmental genetic flatfoot, is a deformity that tends to progress and become disabling over time; it is accompanied by valgus of the calcaneus (i.e., the calcaneus is carried outward) and/or medial slippage of the internal arch (the foot tends to slide inward in its dorsal and central part) with medialization of the talus. In the latter case , treatment is only surgical. An evaluation of the foot can be done around three to four years of age: if there are other cases of flatfoot in the family, it is necessary to evaluate the child more carefully because you may be dealing with the second form. Then there are “functional” forms of flatfoot, secondary to other abnormalities: obesity and overweight, muscle weakness, neurological diseases, incorrect postural habits, inappropriate footwear.

Hollow foot is a congenital or acquired deformity of the vault of the sole of the foot.
Hollow foot is the exact opposite of flat foot and may be associated with other pathologies.
The foot’s support area is limited to the anterior and calcaneus; the intermediate part has limited or absent contact with the base of support. The calcaneus varies and becomes vertical.

Le complicazioni più frequenti di un soggetto con diabete sono: le ulcere, le infezioni e le deformazioni osteo-articolari clinicamente note come “piede di Charcot”; l’insieme di queste complicanze viene definito piede diabetico. Sebbene non sempre tali complicanze possano essere prevenute, è comunque possibile ridurre drasticamente la loro incidenza e gravità attuando una prevenzione con un protocollo di trattamento podologico.

La chiave alla prevenzione delle amputazioni consiste nella diagnosi precoce e nello screening dei piedi dei pazienti a rischio, almeno una volta l’anno.

Il ruolo del podologo.

Il podologo grazie alla sua formazione è in grado di prevenire e trattare le complicanze del piede diabetico.
I primi segni.

Per il diabetico che non ha ancora sviluppato complicazioni al piede, ci sono dei primi segnali che vanno riconosciuti e posti all’attenzione del medico di famiglia o del podologo. Essi sono:

  • alterazioni cromatiche (variazioni del colore) della cute;
  • aumento della temperatura cutanea;
  • gonfiore al piede o alla caviglia;
  • dolore alla gambe, sia riposo che camminando;
  • frequenti ferite aperte, con o senza secrezione, lente a guarire;
  • unghie micotiche (funghi) e onicocriptosi (unghie incarnite);
  • ipercheratosi (calli e duroni) con versamento ematico;
  • crack epidermico (ragadi), specialmente intorno al calcagno;

L’ulcera è di riscontro comune nel piede diabetico. Scarpe inadeguate o qualcosa di molto più banale come può essere una cucitura delle calze, non vengono immediatamente sentite come fastidiose dal diabetico a causa di un livello ridotto della sensibilità, possono provocare ulcerazioni della pelle. Ulcere del genere, se non trattate, possono infettarsi rapidamente e condurre a serie conseguenze.